Sayfa İçeriği


As a result of the studies initiated by our Company in 2017 in order to reduce wheel and rail wear, a bogie study was initiated in line with narrow curve (small radius bend) railways. In this context, the prototype Y25 Ls(s)od bogie produced very positive results in terms of reducing wheel wear in the tests. Thereupon, the certification process of the road-friendly bogie was completed in 2022 with TSI certification.

While the minimum radius of the classic Y25 bogie can rotate freely is 600-650 m, this value is around 250-300 m in Y25 Ls(s)od bogies. In narrow curves, the lateral forces between the wheel rails are reduced by 50% in the Y25 Ls(s)od bogie. For this reason, with the use of Y25 Ls(s)od bogie;

  • Significant reduction in wheel rail wear
  • Decrease in the risk of derailment
  • Energy savings will be achieved due to the decrease in the pulling force of the wagon.

Y25 Ls(s)od bogies with TSI certification were placed on 20 Sgss container wagons for more comprehensive tests and delivered to TCDD Transportation for operation on the test route Değirmenözü-Bandırma line. Twenty Y25 Ls(s)od bogie Sgss wagons and 20 Y25 Classic bogie Sgss wagons will be operated in two mixed series on this line and wheel wear will be compared.

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