Sayfa İçeriği

Repair Factory

Repair Factory is the main production unit where the repair and modernization (maintenance (V0H), repair (V1), revision (V2) and modernization (V3) of rail vehicles are carried out. Operations In the main workshop with 20 road capacity, within a 15.200m2 area, the middle workshop with 12 road capacity and approximately 200 m. It is performed in a new repair workshop serving 3 roads in length. It realizes the repair capacity of 500 passenger cars / rail passengers per year with 19 executive-technical personnel and 192 worker personnel.

In the Repair Factory, as well as demounting and assembly operations of the wagons where damage is detected, water-seat and air conditioning repairs, wood preparation and flooring of the wagons are carried out.

Brake, engine, air conditioning, metal parts and traction systems are maintained and repaired in the preparation workshops serving on the basis of components and systems.

The damage repair and malfunction or modification projects of the generator and various types of passenger wagons continue to be carried out within our factory.

In the Repair Factory;

3 transporter,

1 Loko Tractor

1 Sprinkler Test Facility,

There are equipment in the sector such as 2 Maneuver Locomotives.

Size özel bir deneyim için çalışıyoruz

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