The new Sakarya National Electric Train Set, whose construction was completed at the TÜRASAŞ Sakarya Regional Directorate, was completed by TCDD Tasimacilik with a ceremony attended by the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoglu.Sh.’what's been delivered.
Minister Karaismailoğlu speaking in the program;“Today we are experiencing the justified happiness and pride of successfully completing all the tests, transferring our National Electric Train Sets with TYPE Approval Certificate, which have the TSI Certificate required to work both in our country and in the European Union countries, to TCDD Transportation and presenting them to the service of our nation." said.
“We have become a self-sufficient country”
Karaismailoğlu stated that they were in need of foreign-origin products, subways and equipment in the past; railways were one of the important sectors that foreigners exploited the country, and stressed that they are now a self-sufficient country in this area.
Continuing his speech; “In the last 21 years, under the leadership of our President, Turkey has achieved many unimaginable things and will continue to achieve. Because we have a lot of determination, we have a lot of problems. Our goals are huge. In line with the goals, very big jobs and tasks are falling to our TÜRASAŞ Sakarya factory. Our working brothers and sisters here are our working friends. Their efforts are very important. With their sweat, our jobs will increase even more and we will get much bigger jobs. On the one hand, we will produce our high-speed train vehicles, on the other hand, metro and commuter vehicles here. We will do all of their equipment, maintenance, repairs, renovations here." said.
Explaining that as the Ministry, they have invested approximately 193 billion dollars in transportation and communication infrastructure in the last 21 years, Karaismailoglu stressed that they have started mobilization to produce domestic and national technologies on railways, expand line capacity, rehabilitate existing lines, make service-oriented, intelligent and value-added transportation.
With the Konya-Eskişehir-Istanbul high-speed train lines, we have raised our country to the position of the sixth High-Speed Train Operator in Europe and the eighth High-Speed Train Operator in the world.
Drawing attention to the fact that they crowned these achievements realized on the railways with the domestic and national railway industry, Karaismailoglu stated that TÜRASAŞ is a world brand with its capacity to respond to the needs of foreign countries as well as Turkey.
Adil Karaismailoğlu, pointing out that TÜRASAŞ has become the largest rail system vehicle manufacturer in the Middle East, continued his words as follows:
"Our National Electric Train Sets, which have the necessary TSI Certificate to work in our country and in the European Union countries, have also gone down in history and become the greatest proof of how great our national railway industry has developed. The operating speed of our national electric train sets is 160 kilometers, and the design speed is 176 kilometers. It has a 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-vehicle configuration for regional or intercity operation according to business needs. the passenger capacity in the 5-car configuration is 324 people."
Karaismailoğlu mentioned that there is Wi-Fi access, kitchen section, 2 compartments for disabled passengers, disabled boarding system and baby care room on the trains, "We will meet an important need of passenger transportation by producing 22 sets of National Electric Train Sets, 4 by 2024 and 1 by the end of 2025, 15 by producing 3 sets of National Electric Train Sets, 2 prototypes and 1 series so far. we will complete the number of train sets to 56 by 2030." he spoke.
Karaismailoğlu stated that they used their knowledge in the project development stages and that the National High-Speed Train design studies, whose operating speed is 225 kilometers, are continuing, "God willing, we will start the vehicle body manufacturing of our National High-speed Train in 2023. I want to proudly state that our country has now become able to produce high-speed trains and high-speed trains by itself. Our main priority is to become a global and regional center in logistics by taking advantage of the unique geographical location of our country and to further develop our land, rail, sea, air and communication network economically, effectively, efficiently, safely, environmentally sensitive and disaster-resistant in the light of the vision of Mr. President." he used the expression.
Minister Karaismailoglu, after the delivery ceremony, toured the National Electric Train Set with his entourage.