Sayfa İçeriği

Electric - Electronic Operations Factory

In TÜVASAŞ; All rail vehicles manufactured and repaired, electrical and electronic systems assembly, wiring and maintenance operations and tests of manufactured and repaired rail vehicles are carried out in the Electrical and Electronic Operations Factory.

Located within the factory; In the wagon manufacturing and test units, the assembly and cabling of the electrical and electronic systems of the rail vehicles manufactured in the Manufacturing Factory, bell tests for cabling accuracy, isolation tests of the cabling, static commissioning tests, road tests and after-sales services are carried out.

In the Wagon Repair and Test Units, the disassembly, maintenance, assembly operations, static commissioning tests, road tests and after-sales services are carried out for the electrical and electronic systems of the rail vehicles processed in the Repair Factory.

Electronic processes such as manufacturing and repair of electronic cards, repair of converter drivers, manufacturing and repair of lighting armature ballast are carried out in the Electronic Unit within the factory.

The battery sets in the manufacturing vehicles are ready for use, and the maintenance and repairs of the repair vehicles are carried out by the Battery Unit within the factory.

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